Click on the link below to learn about what "I Can" statement I have done each week:
Week #1: January 1-7 = # 34: I Can start a small business full time or on the side if I am unhappy with my current income or job.
Week #2: January 8- 14 = #2: I Can move my financial accounts to a smaller local bank or credit union to promote the value of personal relationships in the industry.
Week #3: January 15-22 = #8: I Can buy more goods and services that are made in America, from companies that are headquartered in America, if I truly want more American jobs created.
Week #4: January 23- 29 = #49: I Can write local and national politicians to urge them to set term limits for every elected office in order to ensure fresh ideas and perspectives within government.
Week #5: January 30- February 5 = # 20: I Can reduce my risk of cancer, stroke, diabetes and obesity by eating less processed food and more fruits, vegetables and lean meats.
Week #6: February 6-12 = # 11: I Can find the courage to stand up for what I believe even though it might make me uncomfortable and vulnerable to criticism. I Can live my life grounded in my principles and use them as my anchor in a turbulent world.
Week #8: February 20-26th = #14: I Can ask a public school principal if I Can “adopt” a teacher to make sure he has the necessary resources to do his job so the youth of America will excel. If the principal denies this request, I Can do it anyways.
Week #9: February 27- March 4th = #26: I Can leave an outrageous tip the next time I receive excellent service from someone in the hospitality or service industry.
Week #10: March 5-11th = #37: I Can tell someone how grateful I am to be an American and express to that person how I am getting involved to make sure America remains the world's best place to live.
Week #11: March 12-18th = #1: I Can mow the yard or help maintain a foreclosure in my neighborhood should I notice that it has gotten unsightly.
Week #12: March 19th- 25th = #17: I Can visit another house of worship with a set of beliefs different than my own in order to understand my fellow Americans better and put to rest any misunderstandings I have about other religions.
Week #13: March 26-31st: = #23: I Can check the facts before I pass on information or rumors that I hear.
1st Quarter of 2012 complete. Now buy the book and get to work. See ya out there Fixing America!